Live Well

    On Motherhood

    June 8, 2024

    Dear me in the midst of it, you’re wondering how to move forward. Stuck trying to keep up everything you think you should. Unclear what’s ahead. Called to the same things, yet tired of paying the price. You gave everything you had the first 18 months. Now you feel grace has run out and you’re living on fumes. You began in yielded excitement to the adventure of motherhood. But now you are deeply lost with no choice but forward. There…

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  • Think Well

    Ambassadors Unleashed

    Written for Megamorphosis Magazine Do you feel on the outside? Increasingly, Christianity is moving from the center of society to the outskirts. I talk to people all the time that feel like they went…

    September 20, 2020
  • Live Well

    In the Still, Small Spaces

    “What are you doing in here?”  It was early and cold. I’d been up for hours with Rylee and Cheyne. I took advantage of everyone eating breakfast and stole away to check on our…

    September 10, 2020
  • Live Well

    The Minimalism Guide I Wished I Had

    Minimalists were like the Amish. I was weirdly drawn to them even though I never wanted to share their lifestyle. But the more I read, studied and embraced minimalism myself, the more I realized…

    July 12, 2020
  • Lead Well

    10 Commandments of a Sunday School Teacher

    Henrietta Mears. One of my personal heroes. Her biography, Dream Big, showed me what God can do through a single leader. She led Sunday School at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Hundreds of college students sat…

    June 25, 2020
  • Live Well

    My Minimalism Manifesto

    “Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.” -Goethe I want peace. Minimalism helps me embrace the peace Jesus offers in this messy world. I want focus.…

    June 23, 2020
  • Think Well

    Of Violence and Volume

    Violence and volume is all that’s left when truth isn’t an option. I don’t follow the news enough to make educated statements. This is on purpose. I’m overwhelmed by the sin and sadness in…

    June 1, 2020
  • Think Well

    In Honor of Ravi

    I am one of many who owe the harmony between my faith and reason to Ravi Zacharias. I picked up Jesus Among other Gods in my junior year of high school. Couldn’t get past…

    May 20, 2020
  • Live Well

    Quieting Mess

    My brother-in-law teases me for being a minimalist. He sees the irony in how I’m constantly working at something that’s meant to simplify my life.  His teasing is fair. I’ve had to wonder myself,…

    May 11, 2020
  • Live Well

    Embracing My Physical Limits

    I said I wanted to relearn some of the lessons God’s taught me the last few months. The most practical of those lessons, I tell myself again and again: “You, as a Dena Davidson,…

    May 8, 2020