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Think Well

  • Think Well


    This week I kept myself busy. My husband is out of town and I decided to hit some big projects hard…theoretically so I could work at a slower pace when he returns, but in…

    July 21, 2016
  • Think Well

    Never Trust One Side

    Barely 18 years old, I ran down the hall to make it on-time to my first class. Philosophy 101. I loved that class, despite the fact that my Dad scheduled it for 8am (he…

    March 8, 2016
  • Lead Well Think Well

    They Call Me Bossy

    To the ladies… I like to boss people around. My siblings know it’s true and could regale you with stories [insert apology that will be sadly invalidated the next time I try to boss…

    February 15, 2016
  • Think Well

    Understanding the Trinity: There is One God

    The word “Trinity” was invented as shorthand for three separate, main and plain teachings of Scripture. The first of those teachings is: There is one God. This is the least hotly contested of the…

    February 2, 2016
  • Think Well

    Mind Your Worship

    Why are Christians known for sloppy thinking, devaluing education, and glorifying ignorance? Perhaps this characterization surprises you. Yet this is the impression we make on many outside our church and truthfully, many intellectuals within.…

    September 1, 2015